Monday, February 09, 2009

my 6th of the 6th!

taking a cue from diti.
this pic is the 6th one from my 6th folder titles pics.

coincidence? but this is also my fave pic.
this cat is family - Tommy Leanne Dsouza. and she rules our home in goa. now that my bro and I are not staying at home any longer, this feline has become the apple of my mother eye!

Here are the rules:
1.pick the 6th picture from your 6th photo folder.
2.tell the story around it.
3.pass it onto 6 other people you like.

And these are my 6 fave people:

Peekacho, my adorable cute brother who does nothing but still manages to piss everyone off!

Knight of eden, the man makes sure I remind him to check my blog

Diti, for her super fantastic perspective on daily things and the idea to this post. I am truly in awe of your pics!

Monisha, for her crazy ramblings, age defying methods and inventor of the term "jango bango"

Tanaya, who disgusts the things I like, by default!

Yatin, who showed me where hard work can take you.


  1. awww :) thats so sweet jo! and thats a lovely pic! but do explain, whats age-defyin methods??? :P

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Chor!! Robber!!
    I clicked this picture!!!

  3. @ moni - u dont want me to mention it in public do u?

    @ slew - thanks!

    @ lovell - u moron this is my pic, whc i clicked with tommy. we had a photo shoot in the kitchen!

  4. I do I do... I mean check your blog with out you reminding me :)

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Be honest... if the things you like so much didn't disgust me so much... you wouldn't like them so much!!

    That said, that is an adorable pic of Tommy!


  6. @ tan - so true
    but i still hate wot u like & vice versa :P


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