Saturday, November 30, 2013

3D snowflake

A couple of days back my neighbour from Goa shared an interesting post. It inspired me so much that I knew I had to try it. And here's the result. 

Pretty cool, huh? I also added my own touch to it. 

While the tutorial did say to make use of a stapler, I must say glue just worked fine with me.

Check this video too, of the other ones I made. 

If you want to know how it's done, follow this link

Thursday, November 28, 2013

BakesbyJo: Bath

Bath is a goan delicacy made out of coconut and semolina.
This batch was baked with the recipe my Mum brought over, it's a family secret so don't ask me a recipe to it. :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

BakesbyJo: Blueberry and Black Currant Muffins

In addition to my doing my nails, quilling, writing, painting, and cooking. Well I bake too.

This week I made Blueberry and Black Currant Muffins. Followed a recipe. You can Google for one online, or drop me a message for the recipe.

I must say am pretty pleased at the way they turned out.

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