Wednesday, April 29, 2009

after almost 4 years...

today I will leave the hostel.

so much has happened in these 3 years 9 months.
as much as i hated the place with its weird rules, i really enjoyed my freedom here.

that day, the 31st of july 2005, i was very apprehensive. never before have i stay in a hostel. i heard weird things happen, but luckily over here nothing of that sort happened.

i was luck to have my friend Neefa, my friend from school & college as my roommate. And we literally ignored the other person. i really missed her when she left a year back. it was so boring.

laughter & tears
sadness & joy
heartbreak & love
so much so much happened

i will really miss the freedom
i will miss my room
i will miss monday dinner (chinese food, my fave)
i will miss the late nite calls
i will miss khadeeja & some of the friends i made

i am not sad. i am happy. and glad for the time i spent here. it made me the person i am.
independent, stubborn and freeeeeeee

ben 10

bonnie's fave cartoon.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Never go to sleep angry

Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.

But who is going to speak first?

Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.


Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.

Does texting count as talking?

Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.

Umm but it’s not my fault, is it?

Never go to sleep angry.
Never go to sleep angry.

And it isn’t your fault either.

Never go to sleep angry.

Friday, April 24, 2009

damn mobiles

i hate mobiles. but also cant live without them. this was done on one of those days i was wondering why i have a mobile.

green world?

is it really a green green world


red on silver or silver on red, cudnt really decide

girls vs boys

you can hate them but you just cant ignore them
i love boys. but i hate them too ;P


just some of the things that make me, me


done at the back of my notepad during the brainstorming sessions at work

inspiration mehendi

was traveling in the train, this is inspired by the mehendi designs on one of the many ladies hands.

about me

just felt like doing something about me.
the intricate design is almost like the thoughts in my head

an apple a day

this was done when i was dieting
and damn are fruits expensive!

tommy leanne dsouza

the family feline
and a much loved meow to all of us

meow meow

i love cats :)

There was a girl...

I couldn’t ever fathom how anyone could walk so fast on any day
“Who was this weird girl?” was all I could say
Would she ever be my friend one day?
Puff. Duh! No ways!

Wrong I was to the very core
This weird girl I saw that day
Soon came to be my best girl friend till today

The shee baba’s
The jango-bango’s
The monishagiri’s
Are just some of the things
I learned from her along the way

Thoughts as pure as an angel
While people might want to debate that
I for sure know that
There isn’t a single bone in that pretty lady
That’s ready to throw a stone!

A very few times in life comes a friend
Who knows what you think
And how far you will go
There’s no pretense
There’s only laughter, a smile and memories to hold

Do I consider myself lucky?
Do I consider myself blessed?
One thing is for sure
Is that life wouldn’t have got to where it was
without that “Go Jo… Go Jo”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

pissed off!

I don’t know who to be angry on?
I don’t even know if I have a reason?
I just hate people don’t respect my space.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


just that leg is itchin like hell & cant scratch it ... argh

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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