Sunday, September 28, 2008

something wonderful did happen...

and this is it.
yup... finally... mine

thank u knight of eden, truly <3 u

something wonderful is about...


to me that is
finally it's coming true
and i knew it would
with you...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Insane conversations…

Parag: Buon Giorno Principessa
Me: atto Buon Giorno Principessa marifinanga
Parag: naka tujya saathi assach manhalo...
Me: didi saaa limi yaaaang
Parag: didimazi ghari aahe...
Me: kilanadu jiingati
aver aver ni cheee
Parag: tu mulund yenaar teva tula
Me: aeeete na lukar
Parag: aaaateee kaam kara
Me: meeeeteeee zaaaathongi
Parag: :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the wierdest reaction!

i ask this guy why he loves me
and this is what he has to say...
"because i am an idiot!"

should i be offended?
but that's the most original thing i have ever heard in a long long time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

this kid...

i never thought of myself, that i would be capable of being someone's mentor.
i know i gave this kid a hard time.
but more importantly i know he worked even harder to prove himself.
i know there were times i was flabbergasted at what he wrote.
i wanted to pull my hair out!
unbelievable! ridiculous! yet super funny.
what he wrote became a copy team fun for reads.
but BUT when he put his mind to something there was something... nice!

now i know i can be intimidating
but i am me
this kid used to stand by my cubicle, overlooking yet always scared to step into the copy cubicle.
but then again we managed to connect.
i will never forget the one sms he sent me.
over-laden with emotion, i am his mentor & all,
and trust me i could have burst into tears.

then a few days later
he left!
dint i tell you he was there with us for just a month.
an intern he was.
the toughest we ever saw.

joooohneeeh yanada poooh
this is what he used to say to me... argh! kids!!!

anyway today like always he shares with me some really wonderful news.
winners of colisieum!
best script : 21 gun shot salute - karan shetty (orig script)

yup that's him... karan aka stud burger!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

a conflict of opinions...

I really don’t know what to do
I don’t know how to write… it differently
I tried in every possible way
I thought differently
I wrote differently
But may be I am just not good enough
I am helpless
I don’t know what to do
Who do I call out to, for help?


And like I told you
I am thinking of going back to my roots
My paintbrush
My colours
My solace

I just want to get out
Go someplace
Where people like you
Can’t pull me down
I just want to do my own thing
Or may be not
But believe me I tried

It could be my fault
I am to be blamed
It would be the right thing to do
Accept the blame
And try harder
That’s what am doing?

Is it right?
Is it wrong?

I don’t know?!
But then again
This is what I have to say to you

What To Blog On Another Person's Blog!

Well call this part 2. This is yet another person blogging on another person's blog. Now what do I write? I don't know, really. I just wanted to do this and hence!

How To Blog in another persons Blog

Step 1. Find someone who loves talking about their Blog

Step 2. Get them to access their Blog on your PC

Step 3. Make sure they forget that they have accessed it on your PC, this can be achieved by giving them work or better yet stuff them with so much food that they can't think anymore!!

Step 4. Give a step by step tutorial on 'How To Blog in another persons Blog'

do spread the word before she realizes and deletes this Post!!

Advanced Step: Change Password after confessing that the owner of this Blog is really really "Smart"!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

am so bored

usually i find comfort in working
but off late i find working stressful

i don't know how to put this
but i am bored


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

a new languauge

these boys at work are mean
they talk in a foreign language
and i hate it
so yesterday they decided to be nice to me
and let me in on their secret lingo

here goes...(i dunno the spellings to have broken it down the way i heard it)

that's all for starters & for the love of god, DO NOT ask me what they mean!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The rAgE within!

I am fuming with rage. It’s eating me through and now you tell me to do things differently, when there’s no time to?

Where were you when I needed you?
Why din’t you help me when I asked you to?
And now you say, lets do something innovative, kick ass?! kick ass??!!!

The only kick ass thing I will be doing is KICKING YOUR ASS through and through!
#$%% in moron!

Breathe girl breathe…

when it's difficult putting into words...

Smile. Glitter. Eyes. View. Top. Hi. Attack. Food! Yummy. Water. Glitter. Bounce. Hot. Look. Hard. Talk. Pretense. Hands. Fun. Reach. Place. Aurus. Wow. Elegant. Friends. Drinks. Starters. Couples. Husband-wives. Us. Photos. Smiles. More smiles. Banter. Leave. Party.

Wada pav. Huge. Bladder bursting. Control. Juhu. Reach. Firangi Pani. Party!!! Music. Rock. Commercial music. Moves. Drink. Shake. Dance. Hugs. Enjoy. L-service. Fun. Music. Close. Photos. Friends. Smiles. Happy. Really happy.

Drive. Sleep. Radio. Singing. OMG! Amazed. Tired. Dreaming. Sleep. Home. Talks. People. Sleep. Spaced out. Wanna crash. Talk. Sleepy. Ok. Goodnight. Dream. Dream. Dream. Living. Dreaming. Happy endings.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

wall-e eva









<3 <3 <3

Friday, September 05, 2008

Some dream...

White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
White horse. Knight in shinny armour
Yeah right!
So it remains a dream…

But then
It rains
It pours
There’s a thunderstorm…
And there’s me stranded in the downpour
And then, and then
There he is!
My knight, I see him

He pulls up the blinds
And steps out of…
an auto-rickshaw
And here he comes to save me
My hero
My knight draped in a red and blue windcheater


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Monday, September 01, 2008

its been 3 years...

since i have been working here
ask me how has it been
and i will tell you it is
one helluva roller coaster ride

the high points of my career
awards, learnings, more awards, recognition, learnings...
and then there were some of the lows
struggling, learning, frustrated, hating what i was doing...
most i've been riding high,learning all the while

it was easy
cos i did what i loved to do
i learned a lot
from you, you and you

but it was also during this time
i've realised
i just cannot be diplomatic
i give my best when i have set on it
and i hate being told what to do, especially when i know it's going no where
more importantly
i've learned to be me

some people hate me for the way i am
but i just tell you things the way they are
there's no point in lying
and there's no point in doing something you do not love

so what am i still doing here
after 3 years! i ask myself
hoping to recapture
the lost days
when there was the 'u' still in the fun whilst working
hoping to find
someone to teach me something new
hoping to find
with the same dedication and support from others
hoping to see
a ray of light
hoping, hoping, hoping...

but i don't think it will happen
i think it's time
time to be the ray of sunshine
spread the light someplace else
spread my wings fly away
get away from the comfort
and face the challenges
that world presents

i am ready
i wanna break free
i want to do something different
may be i just want to get away
surround myself with...
new things
new ideas

are you listening?!
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