This is what he has to say about himself:
I have two imaginary daughters aged 3 and 4... Both are good looking… I don’t have sons as I’ve decided the ugly male species of my family has to be done away with in this generation!!!
We shall also consider that I own a Magnum Sniper Rifle and I use it on all the people I hate... in other words I’m running out of bullets.
Also, though it may sound hypothetical, the sign on the main gate of our house reads: "BEWARE OF CAT!!!"
See I know he begged & begged till I wrote a testimonial for him but for those who never read the sincere words I typed down, I took the time to log into orkut and copy paste the heart-wrenching words I was rather forced to write.
I don’t know how many of u all know him as well as me but…
When I tell u this BELIEVE me…
This man can go without a bath for days!
(the record - 7 days… the reason – saving water!!!)
He can relish Snort!
(I know it’s a delicacy et al, but eeks I think he doesn’t get food to eat!)
Loves to not to do things as they r… which is good! Rite?
A big fan of rock metal music… cos of him I 2 started liking this noise he calls music!!
It’s taken him 2-3 years n more to learn the guitar…
n believe me till today he doesn’t string a full song!
He loves Tommy Leanne D’souza (who u ask?)
well that’s d family feline! (Though he doesn’t show it … I tell u he absolutely adores her!)
Anyway tats enuf for now!
But on the whole this specimen of the human race is totally harmless & genuine to the core… what u c – is what u get!
So you see why the BEST BROTHER AWARD has to go to Lovell! Aka. Peekacho… MM… Baby Lov… Baby… wotever I feel right to call him. No arguments here! He is my brother!
Ok the rest of you normal people may be wondering… Couldn’t she write something nice about her brother? Well people this is nice. I could perhaps jot down all the clichéd stuff of how my nice a brother he is… loving, caring, woteva!
But that’s not how it is with us!
As much as I love my brother, we cut the senti stuff… its like you guard my back & I will yours.
Enough has been said already. So one last thing, as the recipient of the BEST BROTHER AWARD here’s a bonus title too… THE BEST CRITIC!
The only reason I got to where I am is because of Lov and his mean remarks on my art or anything I do! (for which I am so grateful)
Ok brother enough said about you. (you asked for this too ;)
Now expecting an acceptance or gratitude speech from you in return.
P.S. for all of you who din't know he is the ONLY brother I have.